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  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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Where can you swim?
I can swim in the pool, river, lake, sea.
What can you do in the park?
I can ride a bike in the park.
Where do cheetahs live?
They live in the grassland.
Where do pythons live?
They live in the jungle.
What can you see in the museum?
I can see pictures in the museum.
Where do children study?
They study at school.
What can you do in the cinema?
I can watch interesting films, eat popcorn and drink cola.
Where can you eat when you are hungry?
I can eat in the restaurant.
What can you do in the zoo?
I can see animals in the zoo.
Where can people see clowns?
They can see clowns in the circus.
What can you buy in the greengrocer`s?
I can buy fruit and vegetables in the greengrocer`s.
What can people do in the library?
They can read books.
Where can you buy meat?
I can buy meat at bucther`s.
Where do people go when they feel ill?
They go to hospital.
Who can you see in hospital?
I can see a doctor.
What can you buy in the baker`s?
You can buy bread, pies, cakes.