Edit Game
Verb tenses: past, present and future

Use commas to add multiple tags

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Delimiter between question and answer:


  • No column headers.
  • Each line maps to a question.
  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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Identify the verb and the verb tense: Isabella was tired of being perfect.
was - past tense
Identify the verb and the verb tense: Mirabel acts quirky.
acts - present tense
Identify the verb and the verb tense: We talked a lot about Bruno
talked - past tense
Identify the verb and the verb tense: The King laughs like this: JIJIJA
laughs - present tense
Create a sentence using the verb FLY in past tense
Identify the verb and the verb tense: I won a match of battle royale.
won - past tense
Identify the verb and the verb tense: Sasha uses her device to swing in the air.
uses - present
Create a sentence using the verb SEARCH in present tense
search - searches
Identify the verb and the verb tense: Harry potter cast a spell
Cast - past tense
Do a Fortine dance
Create a sentence using the verb STUDY in future tense
will/shall study
Identify the verb and the verb tense: Peppa and George are already sleeping.
are - present tense
Identify the verb and the verb tense: Dr. Strange will have a second movie.
will have - future tense
Identify the verb and the verb tense: Tony Starks built an iron suit.
built - past tense
Identify the verb and the verb tense: Elsa froze the entire kingdom.
froze - past tense
Create a sentence using the verb WATCH in future tense
will/shall watch
Create a sentence using the verb SHINE in present tense
Shine / Shines
Create a sentence using the verb WALK in past tense