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What modern sport did the Vikings do for fun?
Skiing. It's known from archaeological evidence that rudimentary skis have existed for at least 6,000 years.
What was Valhalla?
A magnificent hall where the honoured dead spent all day honing their battle skills against each other in preparation for Ragnarök – the end of the world.
Where does the word ‘berserk’ come from?
‘Berserkers’ was the name of some terrifying Viking warriors who wore bear or wolf skins and howled in battle like wild animals!
Whose death marked the end of Viking era in Europe?
Harald Hardrada's, the last Viking ruler who had come to England to challenge the then king, Harold Godwinson, for the English throne.
What's the name of Viking stories written down mostly in Iceland?
What day of a week is named after a Viking god?
Thursday (after Thor)
What does "viking" mean in Old Norse?
“pirate raid”
Did Vikings wear horned helmets?
No, they didn't
What was the name of the god of war?
What city did the Vikings found in Ireland?
What was the first place the Vikings attacked on the territory of England?
A monastery (in AD793)
What was the name of an early version of today’s parliament, where the Norse people met to discuss new laws and solve arguments?
The Thing
Where did the Vikings come from?
Who was at the top of Viking society?
A king
What was the name of the goddess who ruled over love and death?
What was the name of the god of thunder?
Whose name were the Viking boys usually given?
A Viking boy usually took his father's name, e.g. Eric, son of Orme, became Eric Ormeson.
What was the name of a house where Viking families lived together?
A longhouse
What was the name of a Viking ship?
a longship / longboat
How did they find the way at sea?
They looked for the sun, knew the stars' position; the Vikings also invented a kind of sun compass
Why did Eric name a new land "Greenland"?
Eric hoped the name 'Greenland' would attract farmers, but not many Vikings went there to live.
Did the Vikings settle in Newfoundland (Canada) permanently?
No, they didn't. They stayed there just for a short time.
What did the Vikings sell apart from goods like jewellery, food and furs?
Where did the Vikings got furthest to the west?
North America
Where did the Vikings got furthest to the south?