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Using humor

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What does "inappropriate for the context" mean?
A joke may be funny in one situation, but insulting in anther.
Can humor help one learn?
Yes, often humor helps us remember information.
How can you start a conversation with someone you don't know?
Compliment them, ask a question about something they look interested in (clothing, book, game)
When is it in-appropriate to tell a joke?
during class, when you meet someone for the first time, while serious topics are being addressed
When is an appropriate time to tell a joke?
In a group of friends, as part of a written speech to a crowd, after you know someone at least a little.
Why is important to be aware of your surroundings when telling a joke important?
There are times and places where humor is not appropriate.
What kinds of positive feedback do good jokes provide?
Laugh and smile, compliments, ask you to tell another joke, they tell a joke, they say, "I will have to remember that one"
What kinds of negative feedback should you be aware of?
Laughing and rolling eyes, Laughter before the end of the joke, long pause between the end of the joke and laughter, look at someone else and laugh.
What could happen if you tell a joke that isn't age appropriate?
Others may think you are immature or weird.
Why is it a bad idea to tell offensive jokes even to friends?
Someone may overhear and be offended or give you a bad reputation.
What kind of jokes should you avoid?
Insults, dirty jokes, inside jokes
Should you tell the same joke when a new person joins the group? Why?
No, it isn’t funny the second time.
Why is it safer to wait to tell jokes until we know someone better?
We don’t know what they think is funny or offensive.
What could happen if you start a conversation with a joke that flops?
They may think you are weird or obnoxious.
What does it mean when a joke is not age appropriate?
Usually it means the joke is funny for younger kids but not teenagers. Sometimes it could be because the content is to mature.
When can you tell an inside joke?
In a group with that understand the joke
What is an inside joke?
Jokes that only a few people in a group understand.
When is a joke an appropriate ice breaker?
In a large group, when you know it is funny and not offensive, 
What does it mean to laugh politely?
Laugh at something even if you don’t get it.
Is everyone funny?