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Can a Pigeon Drive the Bus?

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  • No column headers.
  • Each line maps to a question.
  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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Can a mammoth drive the bus?
A mammoth can't drive the bus.
Can a sloth drive the bus?
A sloth can't drive the bus.
Can a moth drive the bus?
A moth can't drive the bus.
Can a Smurf drive the bus?
A Smurf might be able to drive the bus.
Can a horse drive the bus?
A horse can't drive the bus.
Can an elf drive the bus?
An elf maybe can drive the bus!
Can a giraffe drive the bus?
A giraffe can't drive the bus.
Can a bird drive the bus?
A bird can't drive the bus.
Can a skunk drive the bus?
A skunk can't drive the bus!
Can a peacock drive the bus?
A peacock can't drive the bus!
Can a bat drive the bus?
A bat can't drive the bus.
Can a calf drive the bus?
A calf can't drive the bus.
Can a wolf drive the bus?
A wolf can't drive the bus.
Can a starfish drive the bus?
A starfish can't drive the bus.
Can an octopus drive the bus?
An octopus can't drive the bus.
Can a witch drive the bus?
A witch can drive the bus.
Can a rat drive the bus?
A rat can't drive the bus.
Can a crab drive the bus?
A crab can't drive the bus.
Can a princess drive the bus?
A princess can drive the bus!!!
Can a ladybug drive the bus?
A ladybug can't drive the bus.
Can an ant drive the bus?
An ant can't drive the bus.
Can a pig drive the bus?
A pig can't drive the bus.
Can a dog drive the bus?
A dog can't drive the bus.
Can a cat drive the bus?
A cat can't drive the bus.
Can a chick drive the bus?
A chick can't drive the bus.
Can a duck drive the bus?
A duck can't drive the bus.
Can a moose drive the bus?
A moose can't drive the bus.
Can a goose drive the bus?
A goose can't drive the bus.
Can a fish drive the bus?
A fish can't drive the bus.
Can a mouse drive the bus?
A mouse can't drive the bus.