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Weather 2nd grade ESL

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Delimiter between question and answer:


  • No column headers.
  • Each line maps to a question.
  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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Why do living things need air?
to breathe
Air contains _______.
When is the weather cold? (what season?)
The weather is cold in winter.
When is the weather hot? (what season?)
The weather is hot in summer.
What type of precipitation is in the picture?
It's snowing.
What is this instrument called? (anemometer, rain gauge, wind vane, or thermometer)
rain gauge
It is _______ in Palma and _______ in Granada.
cloudy, partly cloudy
It is _______ in Málaga and _______ in Sevilla.
hot, sunny
It is _______ in San Sebastián.
It is _______ in Madrid.
What do we use to measure the speed of the wind? (anemometer, rain gauge, wind vane, or thermometer)
What is this instrument called? (anemometer, rain gauge, wind vane, or thermometer)
wind vane
What is this instrument called? (anemometer, rain gauge, wind vane, or thermometer)
What do we use to measure precipitation? (anemometer, rain gauge, wind vane, or thermometer)
rain gauge
What do we use to measure the temperature of the air? (anemometer, rain gauge, wind vane, or thermometer)
What is the weather like? (temperature and precipitation)
It is cold and snowy.
Temperature can be _______ or _______.
hot or cold
What type of precipitation is in the picture?
What are the three types of precipitation called?
rain, hail, snow
What is the air that surrounds the Earth called?
What is a very strong wind called? (breeze, gale, rain, precipitation)
A ______ is a light wind. (gale, breeze, hail, or atmosphere)