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Young Learners Trivia

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  • Each line maps to a question.
  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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What do people do when they "tie the knot"?
What color are Navy Beans?
What Colorado community boasts Garden of the Gods, Cave of the Winds, and Pikes Peak?
Colorado Springs
Can you wear a "chronometer"?
Yes, it's a watch.
Can any other person have fingerprints exactly like yours?
What do people who practice the art of origami fold?
Does a person have to pay cash to receive a C.O.D. package?
Why wouldn't a man with aquaphobia want to take a bath?
He's scared of water.
Which hand is used for the Boy Scout handsake?
What's the main ingredient in Mexican guacamole sauce?
What are the two main ingredients in "Clamato" juice?
Clam juice and tomato juice
How many years are there in a decade?
What rock star took his name from a meat dish?
Which of Austria, France and Germany DOESN'T have the eagle as a national emblem?
What are you credited with if you throw the baseball to a teammate who puts a runner out?
What comes in iceberg, lamb's tongue and romaine varieties?
How many eyes does a cyclops have?
What's a carousel?
What's the largest of the New England states?
Which seahorse looks after the eggs before they hatch - male or female?
The male (he keeps them in his pouch)
Who was rock and roll's first superstar?
Elvis Presley
What Central American country is San Jose the capital of?
Costa Rico
What's the name for snow or rain that's half frozen?
Who is the only human ghost to visit Scrooge in Charles Dicken's A Christmas Carol?
Jacob Marley
Was Annie Oakley deadly accurate with a ow and arrow, calculator or a gun?
A gun.
Which is longest - an essay, novel or novelette?
A novel
What is the term for the process in which rocks are worn down by wind and rain?
What state boasts Duke University?
North Carolina
What squash makes faces?
The pumpkin (at Halloween)
What kind of snow beast does Luke Skywalker ride in"The Empire Strikes Back"?
A Tauntaun