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HAVE GOT/HAS GOT - English Class A1 Unit

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  • No column headers.
  • Each line maps to a question.
  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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This girl has got lovely__________
A small spot on your skin is a_____________
That is a short _______ (warkocz).
Make a questions: He's got a moustache.
Has he got a moustache?
Translate: Mój dziadek ma długą brodę.
My grandfather has hot a long beard.
Make a question: My brothers have got blue T-shirts.
Have my brothers got blue T-shirts?
He's got two ___________ .
Translate: Ona ma krótki, rude wlosy.
She's got short red hair.
Make a negative: She's got dark hair.
She hasn't got dark hair.
He's got __________ (nastroszone włosy)
spiky hair
Translate: To nie jest śmieszne.
This is'nt funny.
He looks __________ (przyjaźnie).
Make a negative: He's got a small nose.
He hasn't got a small nose.
Make a negative: Ten rekin nie ma ostrych zębów
Has this shark got sharp teeth?
He's got ______________ (długie ramiona).
long arms.
On jest bardzo sprytny / mÄ…dry!
He is very clever/smart!
He is very __________ (młody).
Make a negative : He has got blue eyes.
He hasn't got blue eyes.
Translate: Ona nie ma falistych włosów.
She hasn't got wavy hair.
Translate: Ona ma proste włosy.
She has got straight hair.
She's got _______ (piegi)