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[EN-VN] Clothes and accessories - Quần áo và ...

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  • No column headers.
  • Each line maps to a question.
  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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What are these?
These are shoes! - /ʃuːz/ - giày
What are these?
These are hats! - /hæts/ - nón
What is it?
It's a watch! - /wɒʧ/ - đồng hồ đeo tay
What is it?
It's a T-shirt! - /ˈtiːʃɜːt/ - áo thun
What are these?
These are ties! - /taɪz/ - cà vạt
What is it?
It's a sweater! - /ˈswɛtə/ - áo len
What are these?
These are sunglasses! - /ˈsʌnˌglɑːsɪz/ - kính mát
What is it?
It's a suit! - /sjuːt/ - bộ âu phục
What are these?
These are socks! - /sɒks/ - vớ
What are these?
These are sneakers! - /ˈsniːkəz/ - giày thể thao
What are these?
These are slippers! - /ˈslɪpəz/ - dép quai ngang
What is it?
It's a skirt! - /skɜːt/ - váy
What are these?
These are shorts! - /ʃɔːts/ - quần ngắn
What is it?
It's a shirt! - /ʃɜːt/ - áo sơ-mi
What is it?
It's a scarf! - /skɑːf/ - khăn choàng
What are these?
These are sandals! - /ˈsændlz/ - giày xăng đan
What is it?
It's a ring! - /rɪŋ/ - nhẫn
What are these?
These are pyjamas! - /pəˈʤɑːməz/ - bộ đồ ngủ
What is it?
It's a polo shirt! - /ˈpəʊləʊ/ /ʃɜːt/ - áo polo
What are these?
These are pants! - /pænts/ - quần tây
What is it?
It's a necklace! - /ˈnɛklɪs/ - dây chuyền
What are these?
These are jeans! - /ʤiːnz/ - quần jean
What is it?
It's a jacket! - /ˈʤækɪt/ - áo khoác
What is it?
It's a hoodie! - /ˈhʊdi/ - áo trùm đầu
What are these?
These are gloves! - /glʌvz/ - găng tay
What are these?
These are glasses! - /ˈglɑːsɪz/ - mắt kính
What are these?
These are flip-flops! - /flɪp/-/flɒps/ - dép xỏ ngón
What are these?
These are earrings! - /ˈɪəˌrɪŋz/ - bông tai
What is it?
It's a coat! - /kəʊt/ - áo ấm
What is it?
It's a cap! - /ˈkæp/ - nón lưỡi trai
What is it?
It's a bracelet! - /ˈbreɪslɪt/ - vòng tay
What are these?
These are boots! - /buːts/ - ủng
What is it?
It's a belt! - /bɛlt/- thắt lưng