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Then and Now 2

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  • No column headers.
  • Each line maps to a question.
  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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How long does it take to get an email to a friend?
An email takes less than a minute to get an email to a friend.
T or F An email is fast.
T or F A letter is faster than an email.
How long does it take for a letter to get to a friend?
A letter may take days to get to a friend.
What can we do now?
Now, we can send emails.
T or F We can’t use stamps now.
Then, what did she do?
Then she put it in the mall.
What did she do next?
Next, she put a stamp on it.
What is the lady writing?
The lady is writing a letter.
What did the lady use to write?
This lady used a pen to write.
Why did the kids play this game?
Kids play this game to win.
What goes in the wall?
A plug goes in the wall.
What did the kids use to play this game?
The kids use electricity to play this game.
What does the game have?
It has bells that ring and lights that shine.
Who were playing this game?
A bunch of kids play this game.
Why are they playing the game?
This mom and dad and kids play to win.
What do you need to play the game?
You need a board and game pieces.
Is it a simple game?
Yes, it is.
What are they playing?
They are playing a game called checkers.
Who are playing a game?
Mom, dad, and kids are playing the game.
Can we nap on a plane?
Yes, we can.
What can we do to pass the time on a long plane ride?
We can sing a long song or play a fun game or take a quick nap.
T or F Airplanes can go very fast.
Which one is faster, a car or a plane?
A plane is faster than a car.
T or F We can get home slower now.
What do roads look like today?
We drive on safe, paved roads today.
How did people stop the horse?
They pulled the rope to say. “Stop!”
What do they use to tell the horse where to go?
They used a stick and a rope to tell the horse which way to go.
What animal led the way?
A horse led the way.
What did the roads look like a long time ago?
Long time ago, the roads had a lot of rocks and bumps.
Where did people drive on?
People drove on roads.