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1 Word, 2 Meanings

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  • No column headers.
  • Each line maps to a question.
  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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What are two meanings of the word stamp?
1. postage on a letter 2. bring foot down heavily 3. make a mark using an instrument
What are two meanings of the word trip?
1. Vacation 2. To stumble
What are two meanings of the word change?
1. Money in small amount 2. make something different 3. to switch to something else
What are two meanings of the word right?
1. The opposite of wrong 2. A direction 3. One of your hands
What are 2 meanings of the word band?
1. Something you wear on your head (headband),  2. A group of people that play instruments together
What are 2 meanings of the word watch?
1. To look at intently, 2. What you wear on your wrist to tell time
What are 2 meanings of the word bowl?
1. The dish you eat cereal and soup from, 2. The game where you roll a ball and knock down pins
What are 2 meanings of the word point?
1. The end of a pencil, 2. The action of "pointing" a body part like a finger
What are 2 meanings of the word park?
1. To stop a car somewhere, 2. A place with benches, swing sets, and a lot of room for walking
What are 2 meanings of the word sink?
1. What you use to wash your hands, 2. The opposite of float
What are 2 meanings of the word bark?
1. The stuff on the trunk of a tree, 2. The sound a dog makes
What are 2 meanings of the word bill?
1. A charge for money, 2. A beak of a bird 3. Another word for dollar
What are 2 meanings of the word ring?
1. Something you wear on your finger, 2. The noise a telephone makes
What are 2 meanings of the word fly?
1. Small insect, 2. To move through the air
What are 2 meanings of the word light?
1. To make bright, 2. Opposite of heavy
What are 2 meanings of the word nail?
1. Something you hit with a hammer, 2. The hard part on the end of your fingers
What are 2 meanings of the word tie?
1. Something men wear around their neck, 2. Putting rope into a knot, 3. When no one wins or loses, but scores the same
What are 2 meanings of the word wave?
1. Movement of water in the ocean, 2. To move your hand back and forth quickly
What are 2 meanings of the word glasses?
1. Wear on your face to see better, 2. What you drink from
What are 2 meanings of the word bat?
1. The animal, 2. Used to hit balls in baseball