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Sp. 4 Unit 4: La comunidad y los valores sociale ...

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  • No column headers.
  • Each line maps to a question.
  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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it is worth it to = ?
vale la pena (+ infinitive)
one has to keep in mind that... = ?
hay que tener/tomar en cuenta que...
That's right/That's how it is = ?
Así es
exactly = ?
main (idea) = ?
therefore, that's why = ?
por eso
regarding, in regards to = ?
en cuanto a
instead of = ?
en vez de (en lugar de)
by no means = ?
de ninguna manera
to have an opinion that... = ?
opinar de/que
to be mistaken = ?
estar equivocado/a
to (not) be right = ?
(no) tener razón
to (not) be true/certain = ?
(no) ser verdad/cierto
to (not) make sense = ?
(no) tener sentido
to (not) agree = ?
(no) estar de acuerdo
the most ... = ?
lo más... (add adjective)
support, to support = ?
el apoyo, apoyar
respect, to respect = ?
el respeto, respetar
the lack of... = ?
la falta de...
perspective = ?
la perspectiva
corruption = ?
la corrupción
sacrifice, to sacrifice
el sacrificio, sacrificar
success = ?
el éxito
happiness = ?
la felicidad
dignity = ?
la dignidad
disparity = ?
la disparidad
(in)equality = ?
la (des)igualdad
liberty = ?
la libertad
right (the right to...) = ?
el derecho (a)
immigration = ?
la inmigración
involvement = ?
el involucramiento
survival = ?
la supervivencia
(in)security = ?
la (in) seguridad
mosque = ?
la mezquita
synagogue = ?
la sinagoga
temple = ?
el templo
church = ?
la iglesia
fair, carnival = ?
la feria/la carnival
parade = ?
el desfile
opportunity = ?
la oportunidad
to care for, take care of = ?
cuidar de/a
to depend on = ?
depender de/en
to be responsible for = ?
ser responsable de
to request, solicit = ?
funds = ?
los fondos
law = ?
la ley
bribe, to bribe = ?
el soborno/sobornar
business = ?
el negocio/la empresa
city hall = ?
el ayuntamiento
city = ?
la ciudad
municipality = ?
el municipio
neighborhood = ?
el barrio/vecindario
village = ?
la aldea
manipulator, manipulative = ?
helpless = ?
desperate, hopeless = ?
(in)capable = ?
dynamic = ?
assertive = ?
strong = ?
motivating, motivational = ?
inspiring, inspirational = ?
leader = ?
el/la líder
candidate = ?
el candidato/la candidata
mayor = ?
el alcalde/la alcaldesa
refugee = ?
el refugiado/la refugiada
citizen = ?
el cuidadano/la ciudadana
community = ?
la comunidad