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Discuss: Vaccines, Healthcare & Healthy Lifestyl ...

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  • No column headers.
  • Each line maps to a question.
  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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What is your take on campaigns like VEGANUARY?
What is your take on organic food?
What is your take on "superfoods"?
Which of the five senses would you be more sorry to lose? And least sorry?
Alternative medicine: pros and cons
National Health System versus private healthcare. Discuss
Would you ever consider becoming a vegetarian?
What are the effects of coffee/tea on you?
What is your take on childhood obesity?
What is your take on the Spanish Health System? Before and after COVID era
What is your take on extreme sports?
What is your take on Djokovic's case in Australia Open?
What is your take on non experts talking about vaccines or medicine issues as if they were experts?
Did you have any plans that you couldn’t do these last two years because of the pandemic?
What would you like to do once the pandemic is over?
Should people continue wearing masks after they are vaccinated?
Do people trust scientists in your country? 
Do you think life will ever be back to normal?
What do you think about people who ignore the warnings to not gather for holidays?
Should people be upset if they can’t have their normal holiday traditions?
Has the pandemic been difficult for you personally?
What do you think about the amount of time it took to develop the COVID vaccines?
Should all vaccines be free of charge? 