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White Fang

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How is White Fang at the end of the story?
He is strong, patient, relaxed, affectionate
How is White Fang in the beginning of the story?
He is a savage, solitary and deadly fighter
What is the problem of White Fang?
He is half wolf and half dog
What happens in the story?
White Fang is a wolfdog born in the wild who is forced to become a dog in a family.
Who is Collie?
She is the love of White Fang
Who is the first sensitive master of White Fang, his friend?
He is Weedon Scott, he shows him love and affection
Who is the first master of White Fang?
His first master is Gray Beaver, a Native American chief
Who is the father of White Fang?
He is One-Eye, a true wolf
Who is Kiche?
She is White Fang’s mother
Who is White Fang?
It is a wild wolfdog