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Level 5 - Year end Test review

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Delimiter between question and answer:


  • No column headers.
  • Each line maps to a question.
  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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How many hours sleep did your teacher get last night?
3 hours...
What is the name of my baby son?
Cayden Tsubasa Ollier
What renewable power source is the most popular in Japan?
Which fossil fuel is the most widely used to power generation in Japan?
1 - Oil (Coal is 2nd)
What percentage of renewable energy is being used in Japan to power the country? (2020)
In 2020, renewables were estimated to account for 20.8% of all electricity generated in Japan
Name 5 renewable power sources.
(Geo) thermal, Wind, Solar, Hydro, Tidal, Biomethane, Biomass
Which two student(s) in Level 5 do you think have done the MOST English File online practice this year? *must have both students to get the points.
Most = Nonoka + Kenta
Make this word into an ABSTRACT NOUN + Spell *lose
Make this word into an ABSTRACT NOUN + Spell *Frustrate
Make this word into an ABSTRACT NOUN + Spell. *Wise
Replace GET with another VERB so it has the same meaning. *When do you think that the plane will GET TO the airport?
Land (at) Arrive (at)
Replace GET with another VERB so it has the same meaning. *It's GETTING really cold. I'm going to put on another jumper.
Replace GET with another VERB so it has the same meaning. *I'm not sure if we'll GET an invitation to the wedding or not.
Make this word into an ABSTRACT NOUN + Spell. *Adult
What is the missing word? + Spell *An __________ is a country that has agreed to support another country during a war.
Name the 3 fossil fuels..
Gas, Oil, Coal.