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Guess What!?

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  • No column headers.
  • Each line maps to a question.
  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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Guess What?
find the magic nouns from the four clues
vehicle - water - ship - fish
a boat
clothes - feet - walk - shoes
a pair of sneakers
food - healthy - tasty - apple or banana
a fruit
vehicle - long - travel - station
a train
star - hot - yellow - sky
the Sun
screen - keyboard - mouse - technology
a computer
gorilla - banana - jungle - jump
a monkey
plant - smell - colorful - beautiful
a flower
drive - wheels - road - traffic
a car
sky - yellow - night - satellite
the moon
animal - gray - horse - cart
a donkey
colorful - party - children - pop
a balloon
place - buy - food - vegetables & fruits
the market
house - place - cook - eat
the kitchen
place - children - learn - teachers
a school
person - hospital - sick - take care of
a doctor
weather - white - cold - winter
fly - sky - passengers - jet
an airplane
weather - water - drop - sky
the rain
animal - rainbow - horse - horn
a unicorn
plant - high - green - trunk
a tree
ride - wheels - helmet - children
a bicycle (a bike)
shine - moon - sun - night
write - draw - eraser - gray
a pencil