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Research Skills

Use commas to add multiple tags

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Delimiter between question and answer:


  • No column headers.
  • Each line maps to a question.
  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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Why is a site-specific search box a sign of a reliable website?
It shows the site wants you to find more information within their site. It's not hiding anything. The site is welcome to you making connections.
Name one online database with peer-reviewed articles.
Google Scholar, Sci Hub, Academia, UN Data, Ref Seek, Arxiv, Cogprints, Free Full PDF, OMIC Online, PLOS, Redalyc
What does "peer-reviewed" mean?
A piece of work has been evaluated by a group of people in that same profession or field.
What is a database?
A collection of related data organized for convenient access.
Why are active links important to a website's reliability?
Active links show the site is well-researched, regularly updated, and can point to further information on the topic.
If you search with the Boolean "NOT," what are you searching for? (Example: Parrots NOT pets)
You are searching for all instances of the first word and without the word after "NOT." (Example: sites with Parrots but not as pets.)
If you search with the Boolean "OR," what are you searching for? (Example: PC OR Mac)
You search for all possible combinations of those, the words together and separately. (Example: websites with just PC info, with just Mac info, with PC and Mac)
If you search with the Boolean "AND," what are you searching for? (Example: Rome AND Cicero)
You search for both the items together. (Example: only sites with both Rome and Cicero)
If you search in Google using quote marks (" "), what does Google search for?
It searches for the exact phrase within the quote marks.
What is the meaning of ".com" ?
commercial = to sell something
When might you use a primary source?
When writing an essay for history class.
Why is an "About" page with author biographies important to a site's reliability?
So readers can know if the authors are experts in their areas
What are the three main purposes of a website?
To sell/to make money; To persuade; To educate/to inform
Why is the display of the date updated important?
You can see when the site was last updated and if the information is the most recent.