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0122 Howard Daisy

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  • No column headers.
  • Each line maps to a question.
  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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Those are Mom’s favorite plants, _____?
aren’t they
The students were seldom late for class, (A) aren’t they (B) did they (C) weren’t they (D) were they
D were they
Bill knows nothing about it, (A) doesn’t he (B) does he (C) didn’t he
(B) does he
Walking in the rain is romantic, (A) isn’t it (B) doesn’t it (C) isn’t there
(a) Isn’t it
Everyone is thrilled, (A) isn’t he (B) aren’t they (C) is he
B aren’t they
There are a few cartoon characters dancing at the party, ____?
aren’t there
Kyle read the novel which he borrowed from the library, ______?
didn’t he
Mr. Simpson binge-watches the series, _____?
doesn’t he
Daphne and Dan shouldn’t be so superstitious, _______?
should they
I am such a silly girl, ______?
am I not= aren’t I
You have to spend the Chinese New Year with your family, ____?
don’t you
Sara has traveled to many countries, ______?
hasn’t she