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Name these A1-A2 Learners kids

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  • No column headers.
  • Each line maps to a question.
  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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Describe the person sitting next to you
students answer
Who is your mums mum?
Name 4 family members
sister, brother, mother, father ...
leg, head, hand, foot, shoulders ...
Name 3 things a horse CAN'T do
talk, fly, climb
Name 3 things a bird CAN'T do
That's a tough one!
Name 3 things you CAN do
walk, talk, run ....
Name 3 parts of your face
answer ...
What is this boy wearing? (say 2 items)
students answer
Name 3 animals with sharp teeth
tiger, crocodile, wolf...
Name 3 animals with long tails
horse, crocodile, snake ....
Draw an animal on the board with your eyes closed
is the student answer correct?
Name 3 animals with fur
dog, cat, bear ....
Name 3 animals with wings
bird, bat, eagle ....
Close your eyes and draw an animal on the board
did the students guess what it is?
Draw a giraffe on the board
Name 3 reptiles
snake, tortoise, lizard ...
Name 3 animals that live in the jungle
monkey, snake, lion ...
Name 3 animals that hunt (10 sec)
wolf, tiger, bear ....
Name 3 animals that can swim (10 sec)
fish, shark, whale ...
Name 3 animals with claws in 10 seconds
lion, dog, crocodile ....