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Tenses Revision

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  • No column headers.
  • Each line maps to a question.
  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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I stayed indoors because it .......(RAIN)
was raining
Shakespeare ..... many years ago (DIE).
He was playing the guitar when somebody .... the door. (OPEN)
Look over there ! What .... the boys....in the middle of the street? (DO)
are / doing
I ... English for six years now. (STUDY)
have studied
Could you please lend me your rubber . I .... a mistake and I want to correct it (MAKE)
I think it .... tomorrow (RAIN)
will rain /is going to rain
My sister earns a good salary. She .... computer software. ( sell)
Simon was all wet because he .... the car. ( wash)
had washed
Where are my jeans? – Mother ..... them at the moment. ( wash)
is washing
We ..... a lovely picnic until my wife was stung by a bee. ( have)
were having
We need a new car. We ..... this one for ages. ( have)
have had
My dog looked guilty. He ...... some food from the kitchen table. ( take)
had taken
It was a tough match. At half time three footballers ..... to the hospital ( take)
were taken
We have to rest. We .....for over four hours ( walk)
have been walking
How did you get there? – We ........... It didn’t take long (walk)