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Measuring and comparing lengths & heights

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  • No column headers.
  • Each line maps to a question.
  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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How tall is the flagpole?
The flagpole is 6m tall.
How tall is the ostrich? How many blocks are there?
The ostrich is 5 blocks tall.
How tall is the elephant? How many blocks are there?
The elephant is 7 blocks tall.
TRUE or FALSE? Building C is taller than Building E.
FALSE. Building C is as tall as Building E.
TRUE or FALSE? Building E is shorter than Building B.
TRUE or FALSE? Building B is the shortest.
FALSE. Building A is the shortest.
Which building is the tallest?
Building D is the tallest.
Look at the picture and arrange the shapes from the longest to the shortest.
D - A - B - C - E
Look at the picture and choose the correct sentence.
3) The pencil is 7 cm long.
Look at the picture and arrange the shapes from the shortest to the longest.
B- A - D - C - E
Look at the picture and choose the correct sentence.
4. The pink pencil is shorter than the blue pencil.
Complete. The spoon is the _________. 1) shorter 2) short 3) shortest
3) shortest
Complete. The pencil is ________ than the spoon. 1) shorter 2) longer 3) taller
2) longer
TRUE or FALSE? The pair of scissors is longer than the spoon.
TRUE or FALSE? The pencil is 10 cm long.
FALSE. The pencil is 8 cm long.
How long is the pen? How many block are there?
The pen is 19 blocks long.
How long is the stapler? How many block are there?
The stapler is 16 blocks long.
How long is the green pencil? How many paper clips are there?
The green pencil is 11 paper clips long.
How long is the blue pencil? How many paper clips are there?
The blue pencil is 6 paper clips long.
How long is the pink  pencil? How many paper clips are there?
The pink pencil is 4 paper clips long.
Complete. The orange shape is _________. 1) the longest 2) the tallest 3) the shortest
3) the shortest
Complete. The black shape is _________. 1) the longest 2) the tallest 3) the shortest
1) the longest
TRUE or FALSE? The yellow shape is as long as the blue shape.
FALSE. The yellow shape is as long as the green shape.
TRUE OR FALSE? The purple shape is longer than the blue shape.