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What else do I Need?

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  • No column headers.
  • Each line maps to a question.
  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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I want to make lemonade, what else do I need-a pitcher, sugar, water, a spoon, ice...
I want to have a picnic, what else do I need- a blanket, sandwiches, fruit, napkins...
Something to drink
I want to play baseball, what else do I need-a baseball, a baseball bat, a cap, bases...
Baseball mitt
I want to make cupcakes, what else do I need-a cupcake pan, butter, eggs, cupcake , flour, frosting...
I want to plant some flowers, what else do I need-dirt or soil, a pot, a shovel, water...
I want to write a letter, what else do I need-a pen or pencil, a desk, a chair...
I want to make a peanut butter and jelly sandwich, what else do I need-peanut butter, jelly, a knife, a plate...
I want to wrap a present, what else do I need- wrapping paper, scissors, a box, a ribbon...
I want to make a pizza, what else do I need-pizza crust, sauce, pepperoni, an oven, a pizza cutter...
I want to go to the beach, what else do I need- a towel, a beach chair, a radio, water shoes...
I want to give the dog a bath, what else do I need-a dog, dog shampoo, a bathtub, water, ...
a towel
I want to wash the dishes, what else do I need-a sink, dirty dishes, gloves, a sponge, a towel...
I want to paint a picture, what else do I need-paper, canvas, paint, , water...
I want to make pancakes, what else do I need- milk, flour, a spoon, a bowl, a frying pan...