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  • No column headers.
  • Each line maps to a question.
  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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What transformation do we use to go from the orange triangle to triangle s?
A reflection over the y-axis.
What would to coordinates of the point be after a translation left 6 units and down 4?
If we reflected this over the x-axis, what would be the new coordinates of point b be?
Are translations a rigid or non-rigid transformation?
What is an image?
The figure after the transformation.
How can I get from triangle PMT to triangle XYZ?
Reflect over x-axis then translate 10 units to the left.
What two directions can you rotate?
Clockwise and Counterclockwise
How can I move from triangle C to A in just 1 move?
A reflection
What is a reflection?
When you flip an image
How did the blue triangle translate to the red triangle?
5 units right, 3 units down.
What kind of transformation is this? How did it go through the transformation?
Reflection over the x-axis.
What is a pre-image?
The image before the transformation
What kind of transformation brought the red figure to the green figure?
A reflection
What is a translation?
When you slide a figure
What kind of transformation brought the red figure to the blue figure?
A translation
What is a rotation?
When a figure turns or rotates.
What is the difference between a rigid and non-rigid transformation?
Rigid does not change size or shape, non-rigid changes size or shape.
What kind of transformation is this?
What is a transformation
A change in position, direction or size/shape of a figure