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  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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What is the function of the nerves in a tooth?
To send messages to the brain, for example if we eat something hot.
Which part of the tooth keeps the tooth alive?
Blood vessels
Can you think of three ways of how to look after your teeth?
Brush your teeth twice a day. Avoid too many sugary dishes. Avoid fizzy drinks. Visit the dentist regularly. Eat calcium-packed food.
What is the sticky layer on the surface of teeth is called that causes decay?
What are the two sets of teeth a human has in his lifetime?
milk teeth and permanent teeth
This is the layer which covers and protects the root of a tooth.
This is the part of the tooth which contains blood vessels and nerves.
What is the hard substance which protects the inside of a tooth is called?
What is the shiney, white surface of a tooth is called? It is the hardest substance in the human body.
The part of the tooth hidden under the gum.
What is the part of the tooth above the gum that you can see?
What are your incisors used for?
They are used for biting and cutting food.
How many incisors have we got?
We have 8 incisors in the front, four at the top and four at the bottom.
What are molars used for?
They are used for chewing and gridning food.
What is the function of premolars?
They are used for holding and crushing food.
Why are molars and premolars wider and bigger than canines or incisors?
Becuase of their functions. Premolars are used for holding and crushing food while molars chew and grind food.
Which part of your mouth are morals and premolars in your mouth?
They are towards the back of the mouth.
To which animal's teeth are canines similar to with their pointy shape?
They are similar to a dog's teeth.
Which teeth are used for ripping and tearing food?
Which set of teeth is an extra set of molars at teh very back of the mouth?
Wisdom teeth
Why do we have teeth?
They turn food into smal pieces so that we can swallow them.