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N2 present simple and/but Academy Stars 2

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  • No column headers.
  • Each line maps to a question.
  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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(can) swim ✓ climb a tree x (She)
She can swim but she can´t climb a tree
(can) cook ✓ fly a kite ✓ (He)
He can cook and fly a kite
Wolves in Russia ✓ Canada ✓
There are wolves in Russia and Canada.
Kangaroos ✓ Pandas x (in Australia)
There are some kangaroos in Australia but there aren´t any pandas
Go to the park - Saturday ✓ Sunday x (We)
We go to the park on Saturday but we don´t go to the park on Sunday
Madrid ✓ flat  x (He)
He lives in a Madrid but he doesn´t live in a flat
brother ✓ sister x (She)
She has got a brother but she hasn´t got a sister
bookshop ✓ restaurant ✓ (He) on his street
There is a bookshop and a restaurant on his street
blue pen ✓ green pen x (I)
I have got a blue pen but I haven´t got a green pen
mangoes ✓ bananas ✓ (They)
They eat mangoes and bananas
karate ✓ gymnastics x (They)
They do karate but they don´t do gymnastics
English ✓ Spanish x (She)
She speaks English but she doesn´t speak Spanish.
house ✓ garden ✓ (We)
We have got a house and a garden
watch ✓ phone ✓ (She)
She has got a watch and a phone
cake ✓ burgers ✓ (I)
I like cake and I like burgers
football ✓ tennis x (He)
He plays football but he doesn´t play tennis