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On Summer Holiday - describing a picture

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  • No column headers.
  • Each line maps to a question.
  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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Are there any trees in the picture?
Yes, there are.
Can Trumpet read?
Yes, he can.
Can Patty and Rob swim?
Yes, they can.
Has Karla got a spade?
No, she hasn't.
Can you swim?
Yes, I can./No, I can't.
Do you want to have such a Summer holiday?
Yes, I do./No, I don't.
Is there a sandcastle in the picture?
Yes, there is.
Is there a forest in the picture?
Yes, there is.
How many trees are there in the picture?
There are three trees.
Whose skirt is pink?
Sally's skirt is pink.
His trousers are blue. Who is he?
He is Tag.
Her swimsuit is purple. Who is she?
Whose ball is colourful?
Tag's and Sally's ball is colourful?
Whose swimsuit is red?
Vicky's swimsuit is red.
Has Trumpet got a bucket?
No, he hasn't.
Has Trumpet got a book?
Yes, he has.
Has Karla got a green hat?
Yes, she has.
Who is wearing yellow shorts?
Chatter is wearing yellow shorts.
Is Chatter drinking juice?
Yes, he is.
Is Chatter drinking water?
No, he isn't.
Is Trumpet reading a book?
Yes, he is.
What's the weather like?
It's sunny and hot.
Who is playing with a ball?
Sally and Tag are playing with a ball.
Can Chatter climb a tree?
Yes, he can.
Are Vicky and Karla making a sandcastle?
Yes, they are.
Who is swimming in the sea?
Patty and Rob are swimming.
How many are they?
They are eight?
Where are they?
They are on the beach.