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It's a Wrap! Last Day M23D6

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Delimiter between question and answer:


  • No column headers.
  • Each line maps to a question.
  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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"______ into someone else's computer is illegal and you'll have _____ to jail if you ever do it." (Use the correct conjugation of hack, go)
Hacking into, to go
"I've powered up my computer many times but it still shuts down every second it gets to the main screen, do you have an idea?"
Use of correct deductions structure
"Backing up the information from the computer can't be that hard, _____?"
can it?
"My classmate suggested _______ out the documents and ______ them in a folder _____ them later." (Use the correct conjugation of print out, save, organize)
printing out, saving, to organize
"I am doing a good job with the homeworks, ______?"
aren't I? / am I not?
"My neighbours moved from their house next to mine to another place, what could have happened?"
Use of correct deductions structure
"_______ prepared for an exam is a difficult thing _____, you must learn which method works for you!" (Use the correct conjugation of get and do)
Getting, to do
"All of the students will participate in the project, _________?"
won't they?
"My friend is not here on the new day of classes, I'm worried..."
Use of correct deduction structure
"After ______ promoted in his job, my father started _______ more money and our lifestyle improved." (Use the correct conjugation of be and earn)
being, to earn
"Our parents are going to ground us for life, __________?"
"aren't they?"
"My brother was scolded when he got home after school. I wonder why..."
Use of correct deduction structure.