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Interview With - Billie Eilish

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What famous magazine were you on the cover of in June 2021?
I was on the cover of Vogue Magazine.
Do you have any pets?
I adopted a Pit Bull puppy called Shark and I have a rescue cat named Misha.
Does anyone help you with your music?
My brother, Finneas O'Connell, helps write and produce some of my music.
Do you use social media?
I use Instagram, Twitter and TikTok. 
Do you eat meat?
I don't eat meat. I've always been vegetarian but in 2014 I went vegan.
What was your first hit song?
Ocean Eyes was my first hit song!
What is your least favorite color?
My least favorite color is blue.
What is your favorite fruit?
My favorite fruit is avocados.
What was your first tour?
My first tour was called “Don’t Smile at Me” and it was in 2017.
Do you like scary movies?
I really like scary movies. My favorite is The Babadook.
Is it true you have a crush on Justin Bieber?
It is true! I have had a crush on him since I was 12.
When did you release your first album and what did you name it?
My first album was called When We Fall Asleep, Where Do We Go? and it was released in March 2019.
What is something you are looking forward to in 2022?
I am headlining a big music festival this summer called Coachella.
Where did you go to school?
I didn't go to a traditional school! My brother and I were homeschooled.
How tall are you?
I am 5 feet 5 inches or 165 centimeters.
How old are you?
My birthday is December 18, 2001 and I am 20 years old.
Where do you live?
I live in Highland Park, Los Angeles, California.
When did you start writing music?
I started writing music when I was 11.
What is your favorite movie?
My favorite movie of all time is Fruitvale Station.
How many Grammy Awards have you won?
I have won 5 Grammy Awards!
If you had a favorite color, what would it be?
My favorite color is yellow.
Do you have a favorite TV show?
The Office is my favorite TV show.
What color is your hair?
My natural hair color is blonde.
Is Billie Eilish your real name?
My full name is Billie Eilish Pirate Baird O'Connell.