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Starland 1 Unit 3

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Delimiter between question and answer:


  • No column headers.
  • Each line maps to a question.
  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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Dziękuję za pomoc.
Thank you for your help.
Brzmi świetnie!
That sounds great!
W czym mogę pomóc?
How can I help you?
W jakich godzinach jesteście otwarci?
What time are you open?
I can see ____ animals in the photo.
Tom wants to be ___ firefighter.
This is ____ cat. ____ cat is small.
a, the
We have _____ new Spanish teacher.
She's from ____ France.
I have _____ new shoes.
I like watching _____ football.
I can't play ____ piano.
Mom is in _____ kitchen.
I have got ____ dog.
Do you like ____ Science?
Nie mogę znaleźć mojego...
I can't find my pencil.
Czy możesz mi pomóc?
Can you help me?
Nie słyszę cię!
I can't hear you!
Moja babcia umie bardzo dobrze ...
My grandmother can cook very well.
Umiemy .....
We can climb (a mountain).
Mój wujek umie....
My uncle can fly a plane.
Koty umiejÄ…...
Cats can jump.
Moja mama nie umie ....
My mom/mum/mother can't drive a car.
Czy twój pies umie szybko biegać?
Can your dog run fast?
Moi rodzice nie umiejÄ…...
My parents can't dance.
Czy ona potrafi ....?
Can she balance on a ball?
Czy potrafisz ...?
Can you spin a ball?
Oni nie umiejÄ… ....
They can't dive.
Czy jego brat umie....?
Can his brother swim?
Mój najlepszy przyjaciel umie grać w .....
My best friend can play baseball.
Czy jego tata umie grać w .....?
Can his dad/father play rugby?
Nie umiemy grać w...
We can't play ice hockey.
Moja siostra nie umie ......
My sister can't ride a bike (cycle).
Oni umieją grać w ....?
Can you play table tennis?
Czy umiesz....?
Can you ski?