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Adverbs of Frequency

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  • No column headers.
  • Each line maps to a question.
  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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your teacher/rarely/speak Russian/on the lesson? (No/never)
Does your teacher rarely speak Russian? No, she doesn't. She never speaks Russian on the lesson.
your friends/sometimes/play tennis/Monday? (No/ never)
Do your friends sometimes play tennis on Monday? No, they don't. They never play tennis on Monday.
Jake/always/sleep/night? (Yes)
Does Jake always sleep at night? Yes, he does. He always sleeps at night.
Jenny/usually/drink coffee/morning? (Yes)
Does Jenny usually drink coffee in the morning? Yes, she does. She usually drinks coffee in the morning.
you/sometimes/eat eggs/breakfast? (No/never)
Do you sometimes eat eggs for breakfast? No, I don't. I never eat eggs for breakfast.
you/always/drink tea/afternoon? (Yes)
Do you always drink tea in the afternoon? Yes, I do. I always drink tea in the afternoon.
never/watch movies/evening? (No/always)
Do you never watch movies in the evening? No, I don't. I always watch movies in the evening.
usually/do homework? (Yes)
Do you usually do your homework? Yes, I do. I usually do my homework.
They sing karaoke together. (sometimes)
They sometimes sing karaoke together.
She doesn't take photos in her free time. (often)
She doesn't often take photos in her free time.
We ride a bike in the evening. (never)
We never ride a bike in the evening.
I have breakfast in the morning. (never)
I never have breakfast in the morning.
How often/Mike/play video games? (rarely)
How often does Mike play video games? He rarely plays video games.
How often/your dog/watch TV? (sometimes)
How often does your dog watch TV? It sometimes watches TV
How often/your friend/cook a meal? (never)
How often does your friend cook a meal? He/she never cooks a meal.
How often/your mom/mop the floor? (usually)
How often does your mom mop the floor? She usually mops the floor.
How often/you/brush your teeth?
How often do you brush your teeth? Answer...
How often/you/mop the floor?
How often do you mop the floor? Answer...
How often/you/make your bed?
How often do you make your bed? Answer...
How often/you/tidy your room?
How often do you tidy your room? Answer...
have a snack/morning/rarely
I rarely have a snack in the morning
read a book/evening/often
I often read a book in the evening
draw pictures/Thursday/always
I always draw pictures on Thursday
go to the movie theater/weekend/rarely
I rarely go to the movie theater on/at the weekend
play football/weekend/usually
I usually play football on/at the weekend
listen to music/morning/sometimes
I sometimes listen to music in the morning
watch TV/ afternoon/never
I never watch TV in the afternoon
have and English lesson/Wednesday/always
I always have an English lesson on Wednesday