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  • No column headers.
  • Each line maps to a question.
  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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What do you think has caused global _______ (warmth / warming)?
For many cities, smog is a serious ________ (environment /environmental) problem.
The ________ (populated / population) of the Earth is around 7 billion people.
You shouldn't buy gold right now. I wouldn't.
I wouldn't buy gold right now if I were you.
You should invest in real state. That's what I would do. / If I...
If I were you I would invest in real state.
I don't want to work everyday. I wish I ______ (be) a millionaire.
I don't want to work everyday. I wish I were a millionaire.
David doesn't like taking the bus. He wishes he _____(have) a car.
David doesn't like taking the bus. He wishes he had a car.
I don't have enough money. I wish I ______ (save) more.
I don't have enough money. I wish I saved more.
June eats at the Plaza Café because she likes their food. / If she didn't...
If she didn't like the food at the Plaza Café, she wouldn't eat there.
We haven't bought a new car because we can't afford it. / We would...
We would buy a car if we could afford it.
My brother spends too much. That's why he can't go on vacation this year. / If he spent less...
If he spent less, we would be able to go on vacation this year.
My friend works on Saturdays. That's why we don't meet more often. / If my friend...
If my friend didn't work on Saturdays, we would meet more often.
What subjects were you you ______ (best at / best with) in school?
best at
How ______ (skilled are you at / skilled are you with) analizing data?
skilled are you at
Larry is very ______ (good at / good with) numbers. That's why he likes accounting.
good with