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Book 4 - Reported Speech (Affirmative Sentences)

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  • No column headers.
  • Each line maps to a question.
  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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"I went to the cinema yesterday." - he told me.
He told me he had gone to the cinema the day before.
"He isn't living in Beijing." - he told me.
He told me that he wasn't living in Beijing.
"Lucy has drunk six cups of coffee today." - he said.
He said that Lucy had drunk six cups of coffee that day.
"Jane left the party early." - he told me.
He told me Jane had left the party early.
"She doesn't have enough time to do everything." - he said.
He said that she didn't have enough time to do everything.
"David doesn't have any children." - she said.
She said that David didn't have any children.
"I'm going to school now." - she said.
She said that she was going to school then.
"I didn't go to the party." - she said.
She said that she hadn't gone to the party.
"He hasn't eaten breakfast." - his mother said.
His mother said that he hadn't eaten breakfast.
"I don't like white chocolate." - she said.
She said that she didn't like white chocolate.
"I won't see you tomorrow" - she told me.
She told me that she wouldn't see me the next day.
"She's living in Paris for a few months." - the man said.
The man said that she was living in Paris for a few months.
"I will be here tomorrow." - he said.
He said that he would be there the next day.
"We visited our parents yesterday" - they said.
They said that they had visited their parents the day before.
"I haven't travelled by underground before" - the old lady said.
The old lady said that she hadn't travelled by underground before.
"I will help you" - he told me.
He told me that he would help me.
"I can ride a bike" - the child told me.
The child told me that he/she could ride a bike.
"I have never been there before" - he said.
He said that he had never been there before.
"We went out last night" - she said.
She said that they had gone out the night before.
"He works in a bank" - she said.
She said that he worked in a bank.