Edit Game
Gold Experience B2 Unit 7

Use commas to add multiple tags

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Delimiter between question and answer:


  • No column headers.
  • Each line maps to a question.
  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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‘I’ll stop the film if you’re not quiet!’ said their dad.-----THREATENED-----Their dad_________if they weren’t quiet.
threatened to stop the film
‘I didn’t tell Becky the ending to the film,’ Sam said. -----DENIED-----Sam_______the ending to the film.
denied telling Becky
‘Don’t forget to take your cinema tickets,’ Joe’s mum said to him. ----REMINDED----Joe's mum __________the cinema tickets.
reminded him to take
‘I’m sorry we missed the film,’ Lucy said.// -----APOLOGISED----- Lucy_______the film.
apologised for missing
‘You’ll love the new TV series.’ -----> They told him__________the new TV series.
he would love
‘She didn’t enjoy writing her first novel. -----> She said _________her first novel.
she hadn't enjoyed writing
‘Can I see you this evening?’ --------> He asked her______________evening.
if he could see her that
‘Send me a text with the title of the book.’ -----> She told them________________a text with the title of the book.
to send her
‘I’ve written my first short story.’ ----> Emma said________first short story.
she had written her
‘Are you going to watch the film next week?’ / Will asked me...................week.
if I was going to watch the film the following
phrasal verb/ prep. phrase/adj+prep: She’s very..................at reading because of a problem with her eyesight.
phrasal verb/ prep. phrase/adj+prep: I’m sorry to ask this at............but could you spare five minutes to read my story. It’s urgent.
short notice
phrasal verb/ prep. phrase/adj+prep: The book was very confusing. Half the time I couldn’t................out what was happening.
phrasal verb/ prep. phrase/adj+prep: Guess what? My book’s going to be printed. Things are finally beginning to............up for me!
phrasal verb/ prep. phrase/adj+prep: Charlie has left his book at home again. That’s so........of him!
phrasal verb/ prep. phrase/adj+prep: I'm not sure but at....I'd say we're nearly there.
a guess
A sudden or surprising change in a situation or series of events.
unexpected twist
A sequence of events (or storyline) that is difficult to understand or follow.
complicated plot
A set of books or TV/radio programmes with the same characters or on the same subject.
The person with the biggest role or part in a play, book or film
main character