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  • Each line maps to a question.
  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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I ..................... worry about the exam if I were you. You have worked really hard. (nie powineneś się martwić.)
I SHOULDN'T worry about the exam if I were you. You have worked really hard.
I .......... find another one of these. (potrzebuję znaleźć.)
I NEED TO find another one of these.
I .................. know the exact price. (potzebuję znać.)
I NEED TO know the exact price.
I ......... study harder before my exams. (potrzebuję uczyć się więcej)
I NEED TO study harder before my exams
We ........ tidy up until tomorrow. (nie ma takiej potrzeby.)
We NEEDN'T / DON'T NEED TO tidy up until tomorrow.
We ............ talk about it. (nie ma takiej potrzeby.)
We NEEDN'T / DON'T NEED TO talk about it.
You look tired. I think you .......... take a few days off. (powinieneś wziąć wolne)
You look tired. I think you SHOULD take a few days off.
We ........ come to school on time. (musismy być o czasie.)
We MUST come to school on time.
I ............... touch anything electrical if I am in the bath. (nie wolno mi.)
I MUSTN'T touch anything electrical if I am in the bath.
We .......... brush our teeth after every meal, if possible. (powinieneś szczotkować zęby.)
We SHOULD brush our teeth after every meal, if possible
You .......... drink so much. It's not good for your health. (nie wolno ci.)
You MUSTN'T drink so much. It's not good for your health.
You .......... do your homework (musisz odrobić.)
You MUST do your homework
I ............... work so much. (nie powinienem tyle pracować.)
I SHOULDN'T work so much.
You are ill. You ....... go to school today. (nie powinieneś iść.)
You are ill. You SHOULDN'T go to school today.
If we want to work in the USA we ....... speak good English. (potrzebujemy mówić dobrze.)
If we want to work in the USA we NEED TO speak good English.
If they see Pauline, they ...... be polite to her. (oni powinni być uprzejmi.)
If they see Pauline, they SHOULD be polite to her!
You ...... say anything stupid if you want to keep your job. (nie wolno ci powiedzieć.)
You MUSTN'T say anything stupid if you want to keep your job.
You ....... forget the lunch with our neighbours! (nie wolno ci zapomnieć!)
You MUSTN'T forget the lunch with our neighbours!
You ....... remember to feed the dog. (musisz o tym pamiętać.)
You MUST remember to feed the dog.
You ........ take an umbrella. (Nie ma takiej potrzeby, żebyś brał parasolkę.)
You NEEDN'T / DON'T NEED TO take an umbrella.