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Keep the Conversation Going

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  • No column headers.
  • Each line maps to a question.
  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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Your friend says I don't feel well , my stomach hurts. What QUESTION can you ask him ?
Your friend says I am so upset . I lost my phone. What can you say?
You notice your friend is wearing a shirt from a trip to California. What QUESTION can you ask?
Your friend is talking about his new dog. He says the dogs name is Snowball. What follow up QUESTION can you ask?
Your friend says "I hope I make the team" . What can you say to keep the conversation going?
Your classmate says, "I stayed up late playing Fortinite." Make one follow up COMMENT.
Did your comment stay on topic?
Your friend asks, "Do you go on TikTok?" What could you say to keep the conversation going?
Did your comment/question stay on topic?
Your friend says, "My favorite TV show is Naruto." Ask one follow up QUESTION.
Did your question stay on topic?
Your friend says, "I am going camping with my mom and dad." What could you ask to keep the conversation going?
Did your question stay on topic?
Your friend says, "I love Halloween. I got so much candy!" What could you say to keep the conversation going?
Did your comment/question stay on topic?
Your friend says, "It's so cold out! I can't stand the winter." What could you say to keep the conversation going?
Did your comment/question stay on topic?
Your classmate says, "Today was the best day ever!" What could you say to keep the conversation going?
Did your comment/question stay on topic?
Your friend says, "I have been planning a fun trip." Ask one follow up QUESTION.
Did your question stay on topic?
Your classmate asks, "Did you watch the game yesterday?" What could you say to keep the conversation going?
Did your comment/question stay on topic?
Your friend says, "It's my birthday this weekend" Ask one follow up QUESTION.
Did your question stay on topic?
Your friend says, "I am nervous about our math test tomorrow." What could you COMMENT to keep the conversation going?
Did your comment stay on topic?
Your mom says, "I need to go to the grocery store" What could you ASK to keep the conversation going?
Did your question stay on topic?
Your friend says, "I got a new video game!" What could you COMMENT to keep the conversation going?
Did your comment stay on topic?
You want to make friends with the student next to you. What is a QUESTION you could ask to get to know them?
Did your question stay on topic?
Your friend says, "I am going to the movies tonight!" Ask one follow up QUESTION.
Did your question stay on topic?
Your friend says, "I am so annoyed and frustrated with this homework!" What could you COMMENT to keep the conversation going?
Did your comment stay on topic?
Your friend says, "I have so much to do today". What could you ask to keep the conversation going?
Did your question stay on topic?
Your friend says, "I can't wait until tomorrow!" Ask one follow up QUESTION.
Did your question stay on topic?
Your friend says, "I had a great weekend!" Ask one follow up QUESTION.
Did your question stay on topic?