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Used to and would

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  • No column headers.
  • Each line maps to a question.
  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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CORRECT: Tommy would love chocolate when he was a teenager.
Tommy USED TO LOVE chocolate when he was a teenager.
When I was a child, I would go to Italy every summer.
CORRECT: Our uncle use to help us with our maths homework exercises, but he hasn't got time now.
useD to help
CORRECT: My parents used to live next door to each other when they were childs.
CORRECT: Did you use to wearing a uniform at primary school?
Did you use to WEAR
CORRECT: My aunt use to make us wonderful homemade orange juice in the summer
useD to make
CORRECT: David Beckham would play for Manchester United in the 1990s.
USED TO play
I didn't use to like their music.
CORRECT: Would you be good at French?
Did you use to be good at French?
ORDER: visit / and / come round / friends / used / my / to / evening / every / me
My friends used to come round and visit me every evening.
ORDER: nice / give / us / they / presents / our birthdays / for / would.
They would give us nice presents for our birthdays.
ORDER: every / them / up / she / at 7 / wake / would / morning
She would wake them up every morning at 7. OR She would wake them up at 7 every morning.
ORDER: river / go / in / would / swimming / the / I / summer / the / during
I would go swimming in the river during the summer.
ODER: sister / things / would / take / always / my / my
My sister would always take my things.
ORDER: our / to / the cinema / Saturdays / on / take / us / parents / would
Our parents would take us to the cinema on Saturdays. OR On Saturdays, our parents would take us to the cinema.
ORDER: often / visit / grandmother / Dublin / in / my / would / I
I would often visit my grandmother in Dublin.