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BEYOND B1 Future Tenses

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  • No column headers.
  • Each line maps to a question.
  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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Where in the world are you going to travel?
How will computers change in the future?
What will future houses look like?
Will robots be as smart as people? Will they get jobs too?
Aaron is carrying two tyres – he _______ the tyres on a car. (CHANGE)
is going to change
They _________ cards this evening. (PLAY)
are playing
I promise I _________ your secret to anyone. (NOT TELL)
won't tell
I ___________ (INVITE) 50 people to the party, and I hope everyone ___________ (COME).
am inviting ; will come
Let's meet at eleven o'clock tomorrow. – Sorry, I _________ at eleven o'clock. (WORK)
will be working
Why don't you ask Jim for help? I'm sure that he __________ you. (HELP)
will help
Please don't ring the doorbell when you get here. My baby ___________. (SLEEP)
will be sleeping
Oh, you'll recognize him. He __________ a brown leather jacket and a red scarf. (WEAR)
will be wearing
Listen! There's someone at the door. I ________ the door for you. (OPEN)
will open
Where are you going to spend your vacation? – I don't know yet. Maybe we ________ to Italy next summer. (GO)
will go
Look at the clouds - it __________ in a few minutes. (RAIN)
is going to rain
Wait! I __________ you to the station. (DRIVE)
will drive
My ski instructor believes it ___________ in the mountains tomorrow evening. (SNOW)
will snow
We ____________ dinner at a nice restaurant on Saturday, but we have't booked a table yet. (HAVE
are going to have
The train _______ at 11:45. (LEAVE)
The English lesson _____________ at 8:45. (START)