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True or false: A vegetable-rich diet needs less water than a diet rich in animal products.
True, a plant-based diet can reduce water consumption by up to 50 percent (and is better for your health).
Name some ways to keep our water clean
Reduce our waste, reduce the use of fertilizers and pesticides, reduce the consumption of oil (petroleum)...
Name three or more things that pollute the water
Waste water treatment plants (water from our toilets and sinks); fertilisers and pesticides from agriculture; plastics from boats; oil spills...
How can we reduce the flow of plastic waste into the ocean?
Refuse plastic whenever possible (replace plastic items with alternatives made from natural materials: bamboo toothbrushes, glass jars, cotton T-shirts...)
True of False: Taking a bath saves more water than a quick shower
Where is most of Earth's fresh water?
In icecaps and glaciers.
True or False: The hydrosphere keeps the Earth warm by absorbing the heat of the sun
Scientists have detected microplastics in every location on earth, no matter how remote: in the deep sea, on mountain peaks and even in the Arctic ice. TRUE OR FALSE?
True. Microplastics have also been detected in the air, rainwater and snow.
Cigarette filters are a particularly big problem for the environment. Why is that?
Because it is common to throw the cigarette butts on the ground after smoking.
What is plastic made of?
Plastic is made from crude oil (petroleum) and natural gas.
What are microplastics?
All plastic bits that measure between one micrometre and five millimetres in size.
Why is it dangerous for many marine animals when plastic waste ends up in the sea?
Animals think plastic waste is food, but cannot digest it. The plastic stays in the stomach and the animals can die.
If I wash a fleece jacket, can microplastics get into water?
Yes (because neither washing machines nor treatment plants completely filter out microplastics.)
Water is the only natural substance that can be found in the three states: ______. ___________ and ___________
solid, liquid and gas
Why does water move from the roots to the leaves of plants?
Capillary action (because of adhesion and cohesion)
How can we find most of the fresh water on earth?
Frozen, as ice. Solid state.
Water that is released from clouds in the sky; includes rain, snow, hail...
What is condensation?
The change from gas (water vapour) to liquid
TRUE OR FALSE: Water expands when it freezes.
True. Ice is less dense than water (and that is why ice floats on liquid water).
TRUE OR FALSE: Water heats up and cools quickly.
False. Water has resistance to change its temperature.
The property by which water molecules bond to each other is called...
Should we drink salt water?
When we hang the washing on the line, the clothes dry because of...
Plants release water to the air through...
What property of water allows insects to walk on water?
High surface tension
Why is water called the "universal solvent"?
It dissolves more substances than any other liquid.
TRUE OR FALSE: One side of the water molecule has a small positive charge and the other side has a small negative charge.
True. Water is a polar molecule.
Water molecules stick to other materials due to its polar nature. This property is called...
What elements make up a water molecule?
Hydrogen (2 atoms) and oxygen (1 atom)
Icebergs are water in _____________ state
What is water found below the surface called?
What percentage of the Earth's surface is covered in water?
About 70%
What percentage of the Earth's water is salt water?
About 97 %