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Unit 1 Reproduction in Human

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  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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What should EVERYONE do to reduce the risk of infection?
Wash your private parts daily.
What should females do regularly during menstruation?
Change sanitary pads or tampons
What should females do if they have an irregular menstrual cycle?
Contact the doctor
How can males protect their reproductive system when they are playing sports?
Wear protective gear
What happens during day 19-28 of the menstrual cycle?
The lining of the uterus thickens.
How many eggs are released during ovulation?
What happens during ovulation in the menstrual cycle?
The egg is released from the ovary?
What happens during day 6-10 of the menstrual cycle?
The uterus lining repairs.
What happens during the fist five days of the menstrual cycle?
Blood and lining are released from the uterus through the vagain.
How long does the menstrual cycle last?
About 28 days.
What is menstruation?
The release of blood and lining from the uterus through the vagina.
What does this image show?
Menstrual cycle
How might teenages start to FEEL during puberty?
Feel self-conscious about the changes in their bodies. / Mood swings. / Withdrawn. / Seek more independence and privacy. / Interested in the opposite gender.
What do hormones cause during puberty?
Body odour, acne, pimples, other physical changes
What do the testis begin to produce during puberty?
What cycle begins in females during puberty?
menstrual cycle / menstruation
Why does a males voice become deeper during puberty?
His vociebox enlarges
What happens to a females hips during puberty?
They broaden and become rounder
Where does hair start to grow in females AND makes during puberty?
armpits AND pubic area
How long does it take for a foetus to FULLY develop inside a mother uterus?
9 months / 40 weeks
What does the unbilical cord GIVE the foetus from the mother?
nutrients AND oxygen
What does the umbilical coard REMOVE from the foetus to the mother?
Waste AND carbon dioxide
Where does the fertilised egg go AFTER it has been fertilised?
Attaches to the WALL of the uterus.
How does fertilisation occur?
When a sperm fuses with an egg.
What is the function of the vagina?
To receive the sperm.
What are the two functions of the urthra in the male reproductive system?
Transport semen and urine out of the body
Where are the male and female reproductive cells found?
Testis and Ovaries