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Forest animal habitat

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Are foxes herbivores or omnivores?
Foxes are omnivores.
What animal is this?
A deer. A baby deer has spots and is called a fawn. 
What animal has spikes?
A porcupine.
What animal is active at night and sleeps during the day?
An owl is nocturnal.
What animal slithers in the forest?
A snake.
Are rabbits carnivores or herbivores? 
Is this a frog or a toad?
A frog.
What kind of bird is this?
A pileated woodpecker.
What is the largest deer in the world? 
A moose.
What animal has big teeth and builds dams?
The beaver.
How does a skunk defend itself?
They squirt a bad smelling liquid at their enemies from glands located beneath their tail. 
What habitat is this?
This is the forest.