Edit Game
NHF5 Unit 4 Practice

Use commas to add multiple tags

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Delimiter between question and answer:


  • No column headers.
  • Each line maps to a question.
  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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She _____________ connect her webcam so we can see her in the video call.
He _____________ study for an exam tomorrow. He doesn't know the grammar very well.
In this game, the character runs automatically, you _____________ do anything for him to run.
You ____________ swipe up the screen for the character in the game to jump.
You ____________ swipe the screen right for the character in the game to run rigth.
What things didn't you have to do 5 years ago?
I didn't have to...
What things didn't you have to do 5 years ago?
I didn't have to...
What things did you have to do 5 years ago?
I had to...
What things did you have to do 5 years ago?
I had to...
What chores doesn't your brother/sister/mum/dad have to do at home?
He/ She doesn't have to...
What chores doesn't your brother/sister/mum/dad have to do at home?
He/ She doesn't have to...
What chores does your brother/sister/mum/dad have to do at home?
He/ She has to...
What chores does your brother/sister/mum/dad have to do at home?
He/ She has to...
What chores don't you have to do at home?
I don't have to...
What chores don't you have to do at home?
I don't have to...
What chores do you have to do at home?
I have to...
What chores do you have to do at home?
I have to...
REPHRASE: Yesterday I needed to buy eggs from the supermarket, because we didn't have any at home.
Yesterday I HAD TO buy eggs from the supermarket, because we didn't have any at home.
REPHRASE: My grandparents didn't need to learn English at school, but they needed to learn French.
My grandparents DIDN'T HAVE TO learn English at school, but they HAD TO learn French.
REPHRASE: My mum doesn't need to buy a webcam because her laptop already has one.
My mum DOESN'T HAVE TO buy a webcam because her laptop already has one.
REPHRASE: My dad must use a laptop for his job.
My dad HAS TO use a laptop for his job.
REPHRASE: Yesterday I didn't need to walk the dog, because my mum had done it.
Yesterday I DIDN'T HAVE TO walk the dog, because my mum had done it.
REPHRASE: I don't need to study science today.
I DON'T HAVE TO study science today.
REPHRASE: I must do my homework.
I HAVE TO do my homework.
What happens if you don't use the correct password / PIN code?
If you don't use the correct password / PIN code, the mobile phone doesn't unlock / you can't enter the platform.
What happens if you use the correct password / PIN code?
If you use the correct password / PIN code, the mobile phone unlocks / you can enter the platform.
What happens if you plug in the charger of your mobile phone?
If you plug in the charger of the mobile phone, it recharges the battery.
What happens if you plug in the charger of your tablet?
If you plug in the charger of the tablet, it recharges the battery.
What happens if the tablet runs out of battery?
If the tablet runs out of battery, it turns off.
What happens if the mobile phone runs out of battery?
If the mobile phone runs out of battery, it turns off.
What happens if the traffic light is red?
If the traffic light is red, the cars stop.
What happens if you press the button of the camera?
If you press the button of the camera, it takes a photo / it makes a video / the camera records a video.
What happens if you heat water?
If you heat water, it boils / it makes bubbles / it gets hot / it evaporates / it becomes gas / it becomes steam / it tusns into water vapour.
What happens when you it rains and then it is sunny?
When it rains and then it's sunny, a rainbow appears.
What happens if you it rains and then it is sunny?
If it rains and then it's sunny, a rainbow appears.
What happens if you press the red button?
If you press the red button, ...
What happens if you press the blue button?
If you press the blue button, ...
What happens if you press the green button?
If you press the green button, ...
COMPLETE: When you use the correct password / PIN code,
... the mobile phone unlocks / you can enter the platform.
COMPLETE: If you use the correct password / PIN code,
... the mobile phone unlocks / you can enter the platform.
COMPLETE: If you move the joystick right playing this video game, ...
... you go right / the guy goes right / the character goes right.
COMPLETE: If you move the joystick left playing this video game, ...
... you go left / the guy goes left / the character goes left.
COMPLETE: When you double click on this icon with the computer mouse,
... the programme starts / it opens the file / it opens the programme.
COMPLETE: If you double click on this icon with the computer mouse,
... the programme starts / it opens the file / it opens the programme.
COMPLETE: If you press this button of the camera, ...
... it takes a photo / it makes a video / the camera records a video.
COMPLETE: When you press this button of the camera, ...
... it takes a photo / it makes a video / the camera records a video.
COMPLETE: If you heat water, ...
... it boils / it makes bubbles / it gets hot / it evaporates / it becomes gas / it becomes steam / it tusns into water vapour.
COMPLETE: When you heat water, ...
... it boils / it makes bubbles / it gets hot / it evaporates / it becomes gas / it becomes steam / it tusns into water vapour.
COMPLETE: When you heat ice, ...
... the ice melts / it becomes water / it turns into (liquid) water.
COMPLETE: If you heat ice, ...
... the ice melts / it becomes water / it turns into (liquid) water.
COMPLETE: If the traffic light is green, ...
... the cars move.
COMPLETE: If the traffic light is red, ...
... the cars stop.
COMPLETE: When the traffic light is red, ...
... the cars stop.
If/When + Subject + Verb (present simple) + , + Subject + Verb (present simple)
If/When + Subject + Verb (present simple) + , + Subject + Verb (present simple)
If/When + Subject + Verb (present simple) + , + Subject + Verb (present simple)
If/When + Subject + Verb (present simple) + , + Subject + Verb (present simple)
If/When + Subject + Verb (present simple) + , + Subject + Verb (present simple)
This is something that you play on a computer. You can play it on a small, electronic machine that you hold in your hands. Or you can play it on a desktop or laptop computer.
It's a computer game / video game
This is a machine that you can use to take photos. You can usually connect it to a computer to see and store the photos.
It's a camera
You use this to play music. You put CDs into it and you can usually carry it from place to place.
It's a CD player
This is a small, flat computer. You can control it by touching the screen. You can use it to surf the internet, read books, play games and do many other things.
It's a tablet
You can use this with your computer to see and speak to people in other places. It usually connects to or is built-in the top of your computer.
It's a webcam
This is a singing activitiy. You read the words on a screen and sing with the music.
It's karaoke
This is a small machine that you use to listen to music. You download songs onto it using your computer. You often use headphones with it.
It's an MP3 player.
This is a phone call through a computer, tablet or smartphone. You can see the other person as you speak.
It's a video call
This is a large screen that is often used in classrooms. It's connected to a computer, and students and teachers can control it by touching the screen.
It's an interactive whiteboard
This is a place on the internet where people can find out information about a subject. The Internet consists of millions of these.
It's a website
You hold this object in your hand. You can talk to friends or text them. You can also use this object to listen to music and play games, too.
It's a mobile phone
This is a computer that you can carry around. To close it, you usually fold down the screen.
It's a laptop
It's an older music system that plays compact discs and sometimes even cassette tapes.
It's a CD player
It's a sound system that plays music and audio tracks from optical compact discs.
It's a CD player
When you sing to the music while following the lyrics as they appear on the screen, we call it.
It's a game played singing into a microphone, usually while you see the lyrics highlighted on a screen.
It's a karaoke
It's a virtual game you can play on a console, computer, tablet or mobile phone.
It's a computer game / video game
It's a game played on a computer or a console, but you shouldn't play them too much.
It's a computer game / video game
It's bigger than a mobile phone and it also has a touchscreen and usually a camera. You can use it to browse the internet, watch videos or play games.
It's a tablet
It's a medium-sized flat device with a touchscreen, a camera and some buttons that you can use to work or play games.
It's a tablet
It's similar to a blackboard or whiteboard, but you don't use chalk or markers, but a stylus instead.
It's an interactive whiteboard
You and your teachers can use these at school to project images, videos and interactive activities.
It's an interactive whiteboard
It's a pocket-sizeed device you can use to listen to music on your headphones without a CD.
It's an MP3 player
It's a small device with headphones you can use to listen to compressed music files.
It's an MP3 player
You __________ use the Internet for your school work but you __________ copy lots of information.
can / mustn't
You ___________ do your homework before you use the computer to play games.
must / have to
You __________ buy things online without permission from your parents
You ____________ send photos or personal information without permission from your parents.
You ___________ answer messages from people you don't know.
You ___________ share your passwords with your parents.
must / have to
What's this?
To upload / uploading / the cloud
It's the action we do when we move one of the files from out computer, tablet or other device to the Internet, the cloud or the servers of a social media app
To upload / uploading
When we use the Internet to put a local file from our computer or mobile phone on the internet or a website, we call this action...
To upload / uploading
When we have files stored or uploaded in a website like GoogleDrive, Dropbox or Onedrive for sharing, keeping a backup copy or downloading them later, we say they are in...
The cloud
It's a place on the internet where you can save things to download them later or to share them with other people. It's also where your savegames are kept when you see they are uploading.
The cloud
It's the action of letting other people borrow your things or see them, for example when you put a file on a drive for others to change it, show your life on social media or let others borrow your sharpener.
To share / sharing
It's the action of letting other people see or use your things. You can do this when you lend a pencil in class to another person or when you let them see your photos or videos on social media.
To share / sharing
It's what you do when you take something from a website or the cloud so you can have it locally stored in your computer or another device.
To download / downloading
It's the action you do when you take a file that is in the cloud or on the internet and you take it into your computer or another device.
To download / downloading
It's an object with a long cable that you plug to the socket to recharge the battery of your devices to recharge them.
It's a charger.
It's an object with a long cord and a plug to attach to a socket to power up your mobile phone or tablet.
It's a charger.
What's this?
It's a tablet
What's this?
It's a mobile phone
What's this?
It's a mobile phone
What's this?
It's a video call
What's this?
It's a video call
What's this?
It's a video call
What's this?
It's a webcam
What's this?
It's a webcam
What's this?
It's a website
What's this?
It's a computer game / video game
What's this?
It's a computer game / video game
What's this?
It's a CD player
What's this?
It's a CD player
What's this?
It's an MP3 player
What's this?
It's an MP3 player
What's this?
It's a camcorder / video camera
What's this?
It's a camera
What's this?
It's a camera
What's this?
It's a karaoke
What's this?
It's a laptop
What's this?
It's a laptop
What's this?
It's an interactive whiteboard
What's this?
It's an interactive whiteboard