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The Ice Monster (chapters 36-50)

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 Private  Unlisted  Public

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  • Each line maps to a question.
  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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“My dear child,” began the admiral, “HMS Victory was Lord Nelson’s flagship in the Battle of Trafalgar all the way back in 1805. She’s over a hundred years old! She’s a r_____c!”
“Don’t you need a boat?” There were murmurs from the soldiers. “She has a point.” “She’s not as d___t as she looks.”
“But how would we get to that there the North Pole?” asked Titch. “We would s________l, soldier!” announced the admiral. “This is a job for the navy.”
The force of the bottom blast was so strong it k_________d them off their feet.
“But I am absolutely s______g. You hold her trunk while I have a tiny bit of treacle.”
“I’m starving, ” said Elsie. “Please may I have a tiny bit of jam?” The little girl’s eyes widened, and her lip quivered. How could the grown-ups possibly say no? “A little d_______p can’t hurt, can it?” said Dotty.
Eventually, the mammoth managed to turn herself round, and ripped the cane out of the man’s hands with her trunk. With all her might, she h_______d the cane across the room.
This would prove to be a g________e mistake.
“Just testing the brand-new w________y,” explained Elsie. “It’s a stink bomb,” added Dotty.
“Oops, and again!” The sergeant major’s face turned a shade of b_______t. “Madam, do you have any control over your, for want of a more polite expression, rear gun?”
From under the sheet, she raised her trunk. The sergeant major was becoming i_________y suspicious.
Elsie steered the mammoth down a d________y backstreet. Just ahead was a laundry where a number of sheets were hanging up to dry.
By t___________g on the mammoth’s fur, the girl just managed to make her swerve past him
The creature g___________d out of the grounds of the NATURAL HISTORY MUSEUM, and charged down the road.
Because of her undignified position, s___________d over the back of the animal with her face buried in Woolly’s fur, Dotty was struggling to keep up with what was going on.
Elsie looked down over the edge of the roof. There was a whole s_________d of policemen looking up at them.
Elsie stood beside Woolly, and patted her side gently. “What are you looking at, my friend?” she whispered to the animal, but the mammoth just kept s_______g straight ahead. She lifted her trunk to the sky and let out a mournful cry.
“How do we get on to the roof from here?” asked the girl. “This is the only way. Follow me.” They scrambled up a f______t of steps.
Before Dotty could say “the roof”, there was a d__________g sound from above. CRASH!