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What is That? Vintage Objects

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  • No column headers.
  • Each line maps to a question.
  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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What is that?
a remote control
a timer
a buzzer
a scale
What is that?
a printer
a paper dryer
an iron
a fax machine
What is that?
a Hacky-Sack
a golf ball
a stress ball
a baseball
What is that?
a desktop electronic calculator
an electric cash register
a tax creditor
a desktop numerical typewriter
What is that?
a VHS player
an 8-track player
an audio recorder
a VH1 player
What is that?
a Teddy Ruxpin
a Max Tailspin
a Teddy Buddy
a Max Buddy
What is that?
a Koosh ball
a Floofer
a Tickle ball
a High Flyer
What is that?
a Speak & Spell
a Speak to Text
a Children's recorder
a Speak & Say
What is that?
a Lite-Brite
a Plug-Drawer
a Lite-Picture
a Plug-Brite
What is that?
a jukebox
a cigarette machine
a magazine box
a distributer
What is that?
a Pogo ball
a Trampo ball
a Hop-Jump
a bouncy ball
What is that?
an Easy Bake Oven
a tortilla maker
a Play-dough Kitchen
an Easy Omelette Maker
What is that?
the Hamburglar
the Hamburger Bandit
Mayor McCheese
What is that?
Family Video
Big Lots
Best Buy
What is that?
Funny Bone
What is that?
a Chia Pet
a Sheep Grow
an animal planter
a magic planter
What is that?
an encyclopedia set
photo albums
1980's home library
a dictionary set
What is that?
a My Little Pony
a Dream Pony
Pony Land
a Lovely Little Pony
What is that?
Pound Puppies
Shelter Puppies
My Puppies
Animal Friends
What is that?
a Cabbage Patch Kid
a Little People Pal
a Kid Sister doll
a Pumpkin Patch Kid
What is that?
a Trapper Keeper
a Binder Keeper
a Mead Keeper
a Folder Finder
What is that?
Garbage Pail Kids
Cabbage Pail Kids
Garbage School Kids
Pumpkin Pail Kids
What is that?
a Furby
a Foobie
a Birdy Bird
a Mow Gwai
What is that?
a Tamagotchi
a Pixel Pet
a Giga Pet
a Tech Pet
What is that?
a cell phone
an Atari
an scanner
a level
What is that?
an iPod
a remote control
a nail finder
a metal detector
What is that?
a Skip-It
a Jump-It
a lasso
a rope skip
What is that?
a Sony Walkman
a Sony Hear-It Beats
a Sony eight-track player
a Sony MP3 player
What is that?
a record
a placemat
a flying disc
a floppy disc
What is that?
a library card catalog
a Rolodex
Computer punch cards
a filing cabinet
What is that?
a VHS Rewinder
a VHS Eraser
a VHS Recorder
a VHS Player
What is that?
a Clapper
a telephone finder
a smoke alarm
a timer
What is that?
a hair dryer
a portable air conditioner
a facial steamer
a Neti pot
What is that?
Silly Putty
Monster Goop
Crazy Dough
DuPont Rubber
What is that?
a washing machine
a convection oven
an ice crusher
a cake mixer
What is that?
an eight-track player
a fax machine
an Atari 2600
a VHS player
What is that?
a sewing machine
a weaving loom
a cotton gin
a printing press
What is that?
a typewriter
a printing press
a stenograph
a fax machine
What is that?
a slide projector
a disc projector
an overhead projector
a card projector
What is that?
an answering machine
a personal assistant
a PlayStation
a voice recorder
What is that?
a betamax player
a fax machine
a hard drive
a karaoke player
What is that?
a pager
a walkie-talkie
a label maker
a timer
What is that?
a record player
a cd player
a gramophone
a piano music roll
What is that?
a phone book
an address book
a street directory
a census book
What is that?
a washboard
a cheese shredder
a meat slicer
a strainer
What is that?
a toaster
a bagel cutter
a cheese slicer
a coffee grinder
What is that?
a floppy disk
a hard drive
a cd
a vinyl record
What is that?
a Nintendo Game Boy
a Sega Game Gear
a Playstation Portable
an Atari Lynx
What is that?
a Palm Pilot
a Pager
a BlackBerry
a Notebook
What is that?
a phone booth
a sauna booth
a steam booth
an isolation booth