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8th grade math vocabulary

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  • No column headers.
  • Each line maps to a question.
  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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Bunus points! No calculator, What is the value of 3 cubed?
What is the value of 3 squared?
What is the exponent in 3 to the power of 9?
the 9
What is the base in the question: 3 to the power of 8
the 3
What is the coefficient in this question: 4z
the 4
What is the value of the variable in this question: 4z=16 (hint: when a variable is right beside a number it means multiply)
What is the variable in this question: 4z
the z
Are the absolute values of these number equivalent? 12 vs. -12
Are the absolute values of these numbers equivalent? 345 vs. -290
Bonus extra points question! What is the answer to this question? (no calculators!)
0.20 is a decimal, but what is the equivalent percentage?
Another word for "number" or a result of a calculation is?
What you change one value to another (like gallons to cups of water), the question would ask you to "____" the numbers
The answer to a math problem is sometimes called the
The number we divide by is called
the divisor
The number being divided is called the
The result of dividing a number is called
The quotient
When you compare two numbers, like people who like chocolate ice cream vs people who prefer vanilla, and maybe you write it out like "1 to 5 like vanilla over chocolate" this is called?
a ratio
What do we call a whole number that is positive, negative, or 0?
An integer
What is the ratio of people in class who like playing sports to people who don't like sports
Depends ont he class - teacher check the answer
Is 2.5 a whole number?
Is -5/4 an integer?
Is 0 an integer?