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Possessive Adjectives x Possessive Pronouns

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  • No column headers.
  • Each line maps to a question.
  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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This house is _____ (our/ours)
This computer is _____ (my/mine)
Are these _____ (their/theirs) shoes?
Are these their shoes?
Christina has a big house. _____ house is in Oak Street.
Her house is in Oak Street.
This is ____ (our/ours) classroom.
This is our classroom.
There is a TV in ____ (my/mine) living room.
There is a TV in my living room.
Is the flat ______ (her/hers)?
Is the flat hers?
Daniel has a blue T-shirt. This T-shirt is ____.
This T-shirt is his.
That blue coat is _____ (her/hers).
That blue coat is hers.
Is this _______ (our/ours) pizza?
Is this our pizza?
Susan has a red bike. That bike is _____.
That bike is hers.
Julia has a cat. She calls ____ cat Lulu.
She calls her cat Lulu.
Michael has a brother. I know _____ brother.
I know his brother.
My mother cooks for my sister and me. My mother makes _____ food.
My mother makes our food.
Paul and Sarah have a black car. This car is ______.
This car is theirs.
Jonathan lives with Mary. He lives in ____ house.
He lives in her house.
This pencil is _______ (my/mine).
This pencil is mine.
Is this book _________ (your/yours)?
Is this book yours?