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What does Jack do?
Lob bundles of poisonous pumpkin oil across the map
What does Fisherman do?
Why fight when you can fish?
What does Gompy do?
Gompy the Ghost Hunter! Find ghosts around the map, vacuum them and fire them across the map.
What does Trapper do?
Place Snap Traps to stun unexpecting enemies. Damaging a recently trapped enemy will consume a mark dealing extra damage.
What does Pyro do?
Use your flamethrower to spray fire, making enemies brittle and taking more damage from attacks. Killing brittle enemis will give ember.
What does Spirit Catcher do?
Purchase spirits from the item Shop and place them around the map. Spirits will chase down and explode nearby enemies.
What does Raven do?
Buy ravens and fly at enemies to deliver deadly doses of poison
What does Beekeeper Beatrix do?
Catch bees around the map to upgrade your Bee Hive. Upgrading yout Bee Hive will return additional iron and emeralds.
What does Warrior do?
Armor is slightly cheaper and you can buy powerful Warrior Armor
What does Lassy do?
Wrangle enemies towards you using a lasso.
What does Jade do?
Carries a giant war hammer that can knockup nearby enemies
What does Bounty Hunter do?
Spawn with a target (enemy) that when you kill, you get loot (iron, diamonds, emerald). Each time you kill a target, in changes or stay the same.
What does Vulcan do?
Spawn with an iPad that controls your Turret. Turrets cost 1 emerald and can shoot players in range
What does Trinity do?
Once you get 3 kills, you are able to transform into Light Angel (heals nearby teamate by 50 every attack) or Void Angel (life steal 12% damage you deal)
What does Pirate Davey do?
Able to buy cannons from the shop and reduces TNT cost from 40 - 30 iron
What does Axolotl Amy do?
Able to buy axolotls from the shop that gives you shield, more damage, break speed and health regen
What does Grim Reaper do?
Each time you kill someone, you can consume their souls that grants 30% speed, invincibility, and health regen for 2.5 seconds
What does Wizard do?
Able to buy a staff with 3 emeralds and can spawn lightning bolts or a ball that damages player
What does Infernal Shielder do?
Spawn with a shield that reduces bow damage and knockback.
What does Vanessa do?
If you hold any type of bow, there will be a bar on your screen, once it's full, it will shoot 3 arrows at once. The damage will be: 100% - 50% - 20%
What does Freiya do?
Every time you hit a player you gain frost. Once the frost bar is full, every time you hit someone 4 times, they get frosted (move slower)
What does Eldertree do?
Collect black tree orbs to increase health and size. Cannot buy armor
What does Barbarian do?
Upgrade sword buy damaging enemies. Cannot buy sword.
What does Archer do?
Able to buy Tactical Crossbow for 10 emeralds and 2 hit players that don't wear armor
What does Baker do?
Able to buy apples (heal 30 - 40 health) and Pies (Make the player walk 100% faster for 90 seconds)
What does Melody do?
Able to buy healing guitar that heals nearby teamate by 20
What does Farmer Cletus do?
Able to buy crops that grow into emeralds and diamonds.
What season can you obtain Aery?
What season can you obtain Santa?
What season can you obtain Frosty?
What season can you obtain Yeti?
What season can you obtain Gingerbread Man?
What season can you obtain Ares?
What season can you obtain Fisherman?
What season can you obtain Trapper?
What season can you obtain Jack?
What season can you obtain Gompy?
What season can you obtain Pyro?
What season can you obtain Raven?
What season can you obtain Beekeeper Beatrix?
What season can you obtain Spirit Catcher?
What season can you obtain Jade?
What season can you obtain Bounty Hunter?
What level do you need to get Aery?
What level do you need to get Santa?
What level do you need to get Frosty?
What level do you need to get Yeti?
What level do you need to get Gingerbread Man?
What level do you need to get Ares?
What level do you need to get Fisherman?
What level do you need to get Trapper?
What level do you need to get Jack?
What level do you need to get Gompy?
What level do you need to get Pyro?
What level do you need to get Raven?
What level do you need to get Beekeeper Beatrix?
What level do you need to get Warrior?
What level do you need to get Spirit Catcher?
What level do you need to get Jade?
What level do you need to get bounty hunter?
Does any season logo have red color in it?
How many kit does season 3 have?
How many kit does season 2 have?
How many kit does season 1 have?
What special item does builder have and what can it do?
Builder hammer and fortify blocks to make them blastproof and stronger