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Earth & moon movements

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  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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This moon phase is called ..................... (first quarter - waning moon)
First quarter
Fully lighted moon is called ....................... (New moon - full moon)
Full moon
This moon phase is called ......................... (First quarter moon - cresent moon)
Cresent moon
Dark moon is called ........................
New moon
Different shapes of moon is called .......................
Moon phases
............................. is an imaginary line around which Earth rotates. (Axis - Equator)
Earth rotation is the movement of Earth around ....................
its axis
Summer, fall, winter & spring happen due to Earth's .....................
Natalie is ready for her breakfast. she lives in .....................
country (a)
Sandra is going to bed now. She is living in country ........... or ..........
country b or c
Ahmed lives in country (a), he has (day - night)
Earth takes ........................... to complete 1 revolution.
365 days (1year)
Earth takes ........................... to complete 1 rotation.
24 hours (1 day)
............................... is the movement of Earth around the sun.
............................ is the movement of Earth around itself.
Movement of Earth around the sun is called Rotation. (T/F)
Movement of Earth around itself causes ( day & night - 4 seasons)
Day & night
Movement of Earth around the sun causes ( Day & night - 4 seasons)
4 seasons
Earth moves around itself only. (T/ F)