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Warm-up - Adults 1 (first term)

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Delimiter between question and answer:


  • No column headers.
  • Each line maps to a question.
  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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The last movie that I seen wasn't very good.
simple past - saw
The boys _____ (swim) in the pool on weekends
toddler - female - adult - teenager
cockroach - grasshopper - spider - cricket
He is my wife's brother.
brother in law
He is my father's brother
My father is my mother's ___
bench - chair - hammock - sofa
Mary _____ (no speak) fluent English.
Mary doesn't speak fluent English.
Think of something green
grass, leaves, grapes, apples
Think of something soft.
pillow, animal fur
The coffee is hot in this bar (100%)
The coffee is always hot in this bar
_________ you ________ to go to the cinema?
Would you like to go to the cinema?/Do you want to go to the cinema?
the train / leave / when / does / ?
When does the train leave?
How much homeworks do you have?
homework is never plural
I like the coffee but I don't like the tea.
"the" is not necessary
An elephant is more big than a dog.
that bar / Do / go to / often / you / ?
Do you often go to that bar ?
does / finish / the lesson/ what / usually / time / ?
What time does the lesson usually finish?
hardly / we / ever / meat / eat
We hardly ever eat meat
students / the / late / never / are
The students are never late
your/ like/ brother /does/ to/ music/ listen to ?
Does your brother like to listen to music?
your sister / English classes / like / does / her ?
Does your sister like her English classes?
cinema / the / go / to / you / do / a lot ?
Do you go to the cinema a lot?
I went to the India in 1997.
we do not need 'the'. I went to India in 1997.