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NHF6 Unit 4 Practice

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Delimiter between question and answer:


  • No column headers.
  • Each line maps to a question.
  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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When were you born?
I was born _____________________
Where were you born?
I was born ___________________
Where was your favourite computer game made?
My favourite computer game was made ___________
Where was your favourite film made?
My favourite film was made ___________
When was your favourite film made?
My favourite film was made ___________
When was your favourite computer game made?
My favourite computer game was made ___________
TURN TO PASSIVE: The Maya people built Chichen Itza.
Chichen Itza was built by the Maya people.
TURN TO PASSIVE: The Egyptians built the Sphinx.
The Sphinx was built by the Egyptians.
TURN TO PASSIVE: The Egyptians built the Pyramids.
The Pyramids were built by the Egyptians.
TURN TO PASSIVE: The Romans built the Colosseum.
The Colosseum was built by the Romans.
Who was your favourite song written by?
My favourite song was written by ________________.
Who was your favourite song sung by?
My favourite song was sung by ________________.
Who was your favourite film character played by?
My favourite film character was played by ________________.
Who was your favourite book written by?
My favourite book was written by ________________.
TURN TO PASSIVE: They gave my dad a boarding pass at the check-in desk.
A boarding pass was given to my dad at the check-in desk./My dad was given a boarding pass.
TURN TO PASSIVE: They brought chocolate from America.
Chocolate was brought from America.
TURN TO PASSIVE: They brought chocolate, tomatoes and potatoes from America.
Chocolate, tomatoes and potatoes were brought from America.
TURN TO PASSIVE: They practised many martial arts in Asia.
Many martial artse were practised in Asia.
TURN TO PASSIVE: The Shaolin Monks invented Kung Fu.
Kung Fu was invented by the Shaolin Monks.
TURN TO PASSIVE: Hernán Cortés put sugar in chocolate.
Sugar was put in chocolate by Hernán Cortés.
TURN TO PASSIVE: Jeff Kinney wrote the "Diary of a Wimpy Kid" books.
The "Diary of a Wimpy Kid" books were written by Jeff Kinney.
TURN TO PASSIVE: The Aztecs drank chocolate.
Chocolate was drunk by the Aztecs.
TURN TO PASSIVE: Velazquez painted "Las Meninas"
"Las Meninas" was/were painted by Velazquez.
TURN TO PASSIVE: Dwayne "The Rock" Johnson sang the song "You're welcome!" in Moana
The song "You're welcome!" was sung by Dwayne "The Rock" Johnson in Moana.
TURN TO PASSIVE: Dua Lipa sang the song "Levitating" in the concert.
The song "Levitating" was sung by Dua Lipa in the concert.
TURN TO PASSIVE: Pixar made the film Luca.
The film Luca was made by Pixar.
TURN TO PASSIVE: Akira Toriyama created Dragon Ball.
Dragon Ball was created by Akira Toriyama.
TURN TO PASSIVE: Stan Lee and Jack Kirby created the Hulk.
The Hulk was created by Stan Lee and Jack Kirby.
TURN TO PASSIVE: Bob Kane and Bill Finger created Batman.
Batman was created by Bob Kane and Bill Finger.
TURN TO PASSIVE: J.K. Rowling wrote the "Harry Potter" books.
The Harry Potter books were written by J.K. Rowling.
TURN TO PASSIVE: Matt Groening created The Simpsons.
The Simpsons were created by Matt Groening.
TURN TO PASSIVE: The Beatles recorded the song "Yesterday"
The song "Yesterday" was recorded by the Beatles.
TURN TO PASSIVE: Leonardo da Vinci painted The Mona Lisa.
The Mona Lisa was painted by Leonardo da Vinci.
TURN TO PASSIVE: Walt Disney created Mickey and Minnie Mouse.
Mickey and Minnie Mouse were created by Walt Disney.
TURN TO PASSIVE: Johnny Depp played Jack Sparrow.
Jack Sparrow was played by Johnny Depp.
TURN TO PASSIVE: Beethoven composed the 5th Symphony.
The 5th Symphony was composed by Beethoven.
What's this? What is he doing?
He's making a film (make a film)
What's this? What is she doing?
She's doing ceramics /making pottery (do ceramics / make pottery)
What's this? What is she doing?
She's doing ceramics /making pottery (do ceramics / make pottery)
What's this? What are they doing?
It's make jewellery / They're making jewellery
What's this?
It's a stage.
What's this?
It's a stage.
What's this? What is she wearing?
She's wearing a (witch) costume
What's this? What is he doing?
Create an animation / He's creating an animation
What's this? What are they doing?
Create an animation / They're creating an animation
What's this? What are they doing?
It's a (theatre) play / They're performing a play
What's this? What are they doing?
It's a (theatre) play / They're performing a play
What's this? What are they doing?
It's traditional dancing/ They're doing traditional dancing
What's this? What are they doing?
It's traditional dancing/ They're doing traditional dancing
What's this vase made of?
It's made of clay.
What's this?
It's clay
What's it made of?
It's made of clay (or plasticine)
What's this?
It's clay (or plasticine)
What's this?
It's clay.
What's the sheep doing?
It's doing origami (do origami)
What's this?
It's (an) origami (crane) (do origami)
What's this?
It's a puppet
What's this?
It's a puppet
What is this bracelet made of?
It's made of beads.
What are these?
They're beads.