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Christmas Time!

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  • No column headers.
  • Each line maps to a question.
  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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Sing the ABC with a Christmas tune!
You must be in a band!
Pretend you are a cat. Go to the other class and say: "Meowy Catmas!
Draw Rudolph in 15 seconds
Nice picture!
Spin around 10 times and, go to the board in a straight line and draw a Christmas tree.
That drawing should be in a museum!
Sing "Jingle Bells" song. Don't know it? Make it up.
You should be in a choir!
Go outside the class and yell "Merry Christmas everyone" 3 times.
Nice shouting!
Knock on another class' door and shout "ho, ho, ho" when they open the door.
So brave!
Sing your favourite Christmas carol
So in tune!
Count down from 24 to zero and shout "Hello Santa" at the end
Hello ho ho!
Close your eyes and touch your nose three times.
Rudolph approves that nose
Make the sound of a sheep
Mary had a little you!
Pretend to be a fish for 15 seconds
Wow! So realistic!
Hop on one leg for 30 seconds
Do 5 stars jumps.
Well done!